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JustMailto: The Press Release!
JustMailto Makes Mobile Inquiry Generation Easy
New email authentication system helps marketers and businesses overcome obstacles in Mobile inquiry generation
Baltimore, Md. February 18th, 2014 – 406 million smartphone connections were added in 2013[i], and brands are experiencing more and more visits to their websites from mobile devices; but contacting those brands is more difficult than ever and customers are asking, “Why can’t we just ‘Send them an Email?’”
Read MoreI just have a simple question: why do I have to fill out a form?!
So there you are again, on your phone, Googling, Yelping or Yahooing for something you need — a doctor, an auto repair shop, a shoe store, what have you.
You’re browsing about and you discover a reputable establishment, and you are sold on their great website. You’re ready to engage and you just have a simple question…
Read MoreIs it time to abandon the email address on your website?
Are you a victim of SPAM from an email address you put on your website? Before you remove it and sacrifice a new one, try JustMailto!
JustMailto can start filtering all the junk today.
JustMailto can be used on existing email address in 3 easy steps!
Is It Safe To Put My Email Address On My Website?
The answer to that question is a resounding “Yes!”, but it hasn’t always been that way…
Marketers and developers have known for decades that it’s simply not safe – or wasn’t safe! — to publish email addresses on a web site. In the past, when individuals or firms published an email address on a web site, they made themselves prey to spambots
Read MoreJustMailto Drupal 7 Module
The JustMailto Drupal 7 module makes it even easier to add the JustMailto snippet to your Drupal website!
Download Now!
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JustMailto WordPress Plugin
The JustMailto plugin makes it even easier to add the JustMailto snippet to your WordPress site!